Podstawy języków programowania w systemie Coq, II UWr, 2014/15 Start Terminarz Literatura Zasoby Regulamin

Podstawy języków programowania w systemie Coq


Literatura podstawowa

[Pi14] Software Foundations, Benjamin C. Pierce et al., 2014.

Literatura uzupełniająca

[BC04] Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development. Coq’Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions, Yves Bertot and Pierre Castéran, Springer, 2004.
[Ch13] Certified Programming with Dependent Types: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Coq Proof Assistant , Adam Chlipala, The MIT Press, 2013.
[Pi02] Types and Programming Languages, Benjamin C. Pierce, The MIT Press, 2002.

Podstawy teoretyczne

[B92] Lambda Calculi with Types, Henk Barendregt, Handbook of Logic in Computer Science (vol. 2), Oxford University Press, 1992.
[BC00] An Introduction to Dependent Type Theory, Gilles Barthe and Thierry Coquand, Proceedings of APPSEM 2000, Caminha, Portugal, 2000, Springer-Verlag.
[NPS90] Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory: An Introduction, Bengt Nordström, Kent Petersson, and Jan M. Smith, Oxford University Press, 1990.
[P93] Inductive Definitions in the System Coq - Rules and Properties, Christine Paulin-Mohring, Proceedings of TLCA 1992, LNCS 664, Springer-Verlag, 1993.
[SU06] Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism, Morten H. Sørensen and Paweł Urzyczyn, Elsevier, 2006.
[T91] Type Theory and Functional Programming, Simon Thompson, Addison-Wesley, 1991.