C# - Questions Asked By Me

I use C# in my work and I still encounter questions that should be answered. Sometimes I am able to find an answer by myself, sometimes I search the WWW Pages or ask on many newsgroups. Below you'll find a list of questions I was looking for and was able to find an answer.

Here you'll find only answer to questions I was not able to easily find elsewhere. I will NOT duplicate other FAQs here! For other info search other FAQ pages.

Q1. How to get the path to the .NET Framework?
Q2. How to check whether a program is running from within VS.NET or as a standalone application?
Q3. How to create custom-shaped forms and controls?
Q4. How to create a custom mouse cursor?

Q1. How to get the path to the .NET Framework? A1. Use following trick: string msNETPath; // this will return "file:///c:/winnt/microsoft.net/framework/v1.0.3705/mscorlib.dll" msNETPath = typeof(object).Assembly.CodeBase; // some additional work msNETPath = msNETPath.Remove(0, 8); msNETPath = Directory.GetParent(msNETPath).ToString(); Q2. How to check whether a program is running from within VS.NET or as a standalone application? A2. Look at Debugger.IsAttached variable state Q3. How to create custom-shaped forms and controls? A3. Use the .Region property. For example GraphicsPath gP = new GraphicsPath(); gP.AddEllipse ( 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height ); this.Region = new Region ( gP ); Q4. How to create a custom mouse cursor? A4. Surprisingly, this is really easy. // create any bitmap Bitmap b = new Bitmap( 55, 25 ); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage ( b ); // do whatever you wish g.DrawString ( "myText", this.Font, Brushes.Blue, 0, 0 ); // this is the trick! IntPtr ptr = b.GetHicon(); Cursor c = new Cursor( ptr ); // attach cursor to the form this.Cursor = c;