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Functional Programming

Type Inference


  • (incorporates former Speagram)


Kurs Pascala

Artificial General Intelligence


Algorithmic Game Theory: Prediction Markets (po polsku)

Programming in Java

kurs pracy w systemie Linux

Evolutionary Algorithms


Data Stores and Data Mining

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Systemy Inteligentnych Agentów

Przetwarzanie Języka Naturalnego

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GramInd.pdf Δ


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Propozycje referatów

  1. Learning classifier systems (trochę o uczeniu ze wzmocnieniem “reinforcement learning”)
  2. ewolucja neuronalna: NEAT vs. rekurencyjne sieci Schmidhubera (moĹźe teĹź o kodowaniu Gruau)
  3. ewolucja kontrolerów samochodów wyścigowych (powiązane z powyĹźszymi)
  4. programowanie genetyczne: MOSES (ze wzmianką o OpenCogu) i algorytm PLEASURE
  5. sztuczne systemy immunologiczne
  6. zagadnienia reprezentacji, “Forma Analysis of Genetic Algorithms”

From the classroom

  1. Some ideas on Evolutionary Algorithms Δ
  2. Survey of Global Optimization Δ
  3. Multistart Simulated Annealing and Graph Coloring
  4. Compact Genetic Algorithm Δ
  5. Genetic Programming Δ
  6. [Graph coloring results…]
  7. Learning Classifier Systems Δ

Some Evolutionary Computation libraries

Test Functions

Artificial Life

Matlab implementations

Ask me for adapted Octave versions if the Matlab links below don’t work on your Octave.

Some of my Matlab / Octave scripts Δ

Differential Evolution



Other methods of optimization and classes of optimization problems

  1. Continuous optimization, mostly
    1. Linear programming
    2. Nonlinear programming
      1. Convex programming
      2. Conjugate gradient method
      3. Lagrange multipliers for constrained problems
    3. Global optimization
  2. Combinatorial optimization (discrete optimization, mostly)
    1. Integer programming
    2. Hill climbing
    3. Branch and bound
    4. Simulated annealing
    5. Tabu search
    6. Beam search
    7. Ant colony optimization

Classification of methods

  1. Iterative, one-point, local optimization
  2. Monotonically refines a proposition about the search space
    1. Branch and bound
  3. Non-monotonically refines a randomized hypothesis about the search space
    1. Simulated annealing
    2. Evolutionary algorithms

Other evolutionary & optimization links

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Page last modified on January 21, 2009, at 12:05 PM