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Propozycje referatów (w trakcie opracowywania):

  1. Komunikacja z bazą danych z poziomu środowiska R. [zajęty]
  2. Automatyczne generowanie raportów w środowisku R. [wolny]
  3. Tematy z Learning classifiers from distributed, semantically heterogeneous, autonomous data sources: [wszystkie wolne]
    1. Rozdział trzeci: “Learning classifiers from distributed data”,
    2. Rozdział czwarty: “Learning classifiers from sementically heterogeneous data”,
    3. W razie zainteresowania możemy zrobić więcej.
  4. Tematy z książki “The Handbook of Data Mining”. Można wybrać jeden rozdział lub kilka powiązanych rozdziałów. [wszystkie wolne]
    1. 13 Distributed Data Mining 341 (Byung-Hoon Park and Hillol Kargupta)
    2. II: MANAGEMENT OF DATA MINING 14 Data Collection, Preparation, Quality, and Visualization 365 (Dorian Pyle)
    3. 15 Data Storage and Management 393 (Tong (Teresa) Wu and Xiangyang (Sean) Li)
    4. 16 Feature Extraction, Selection, and Construction 409 (Huan Liu, Lei Yu, and Hiroshi Motoda)
    5. 17 Performance Analysis and Evaluation 425 (Sholom M. Weiss and Tong Zhang)
    6. 18 Security and Privacy 441 (Chris Clifton)
    7. 19 Emerging Standards and Interfaces 453 (Robert Grossman, Mark Hornick, and Gregor Meyer)
    8. III: APPLICATIONS OF DATA MINING 20 Mining Human Performance Data 463 (David A. Nembhard)
    9. 21 Mining Text Data 481 (Ronen Feldman)
    10. 22 Mining Geospatial Data 519 (Shashi Shekhar and Ranga Raju Vatsavai)
    11. 23 Mining Science and Engineering Data 549 (Chandrika Kamath)
    12. 24 Mining Data in Bioinformatics 573 (Mohammed J. Zaki)
    13. 25 Mining Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Data 597 (Robert Cooley)
    14. 26 Mining Computer and Network Security Data 617 (Nong Ye)
    15. 27 Mining Image Data 637 (Chabane Djeraba and Gregory Fernandez)
    16. 28 Mining Manufacturing Quality Data 657 (Murat C. Testik and George C. Runger)

WARNING: Old stuff below.

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Page last modified on May 21, 2009, at 02:54 PM